Posted: Mon, 27 April, 2020, 11:40 am - PARTTIME - Madurai / aarapalayam, DSP NagarINDI HOME JOBS Work From Home Students, housewives, working person, retired person, unemployed and anyone who wants part time income, can join and start work We provide 8 types of Online-Offline part time jobs. The add posting jobs is the one of the 8 jobs. Add posting jobs- In Ad posting jobs, You will get Rs. 8/- to 12/- per ad (depends upon sites and ad types). We will provide you a file to your mail. Various types of ads will be there. We will send you websites where to post those ads. We will provide you ads also. With every ads a common weblink will be there. By this link we can get to know how many ad you have posted. After completing the task, we will credit your payment. How you will take the payment (Daily basis payment system) You can withdraw your payout daily, any time you want. After registration we will give you user id and password. You can login to your account and check how much you earn. Any time you can transfer it to your bank. We have followings payout options- 1. Bank transfer- You can transfer your earning to your bank directly anytime. 2. Mobile wallet- You can also take your payment through mobile wallet anytime. Paytm, Payu, Citrus and mobikwik wallets are available. 3. Paypal or skirll- You can take your payment anytime through paypal or skirll. 4. Cheque payment- If you request, we will send cheque to your home (cheque payment can take 3 to 7 days). For more details visit:
If you are looking for a great career opportunity with a company experiencing growth, apply online today.
Applicant must enclose his/her Photograph with CV